Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Connecting Flights // A Little

"If you add a little to a little and do this often, soon the little will become great." - Hesiod

Let's discuss the most depressing moment of my life.

I am sitting in my living room taking a fifteen minute break before my yoga class and I turn on the television to find this precious gem catch my attention.  I stopped, I pined, I perished as I discovered the storyline that very well could be my life one day (wishful thinking).

Only to find that...it was a ruse.

Wouldn't it make for a fabulous storyline, though?  Better yet, wouldn't this be the most perfect next chapter to my life?! I knew you'd agree :)

On a brighter note, I am starting my Happiness Project Journal today.  I am challenging myself to write at least one sentence every day for five years.  Is that not a manageable way to keep a record of life?  I am certain that I can get this done.  I will give updates here for y'all.

So, today Tuesday, November 13, 2012

  • I began to master tree headstand (<-- a="a" and="and" at="at" began="began" but="but" by="by" check.="check." day="day" december="december" end="end" fall="fall" for="for" goal="goal" had="had" have="have" headstands="headstands" i="i" is="is" least="least" li="li" master="master" name="name" not="not" of="of" official="official" one="one" sure="sure" the="the" third="third" this="this" three="three" to="to" today="today" two="two" was="was" what="what">
  • A student brought me some homemade gumbo after school and it warmed my heart.
  • Let the week fly by because I am more than ready to go home for Thanksgiving Break! 
Join me on the Happiness Project and begin your own, today! 
Ask me about it. 


  1. that would make such a great love story!! :)

    i actually saw the book today in a store here and thought of you. didn't even realize you posted about twice now! :) haha

    i think i might try to buy it or start it as well. i think it's really cool idea!

    1. Ahh, you need to buy it. I want to read it soon. Also, make your very own happiness journal. I love doing it so far.

  2. hahaha that commercial is hilarious!

    ps - what's the happiness project?! :)

    1. The Happiness Project is a book, I haven't read it, but I like the concept. I bough the journal which is a branch off of the concept. http://www.happiness-project.com/
