Friday, January 31, 2014

Goodbye, January

Oh man, January has just flown by for me.  I'm ready for a new month.  February just breezes on by because it's so short.  I am certainly craving some warmer temperatures, although I wouldn't be surprised if we got some snowfall in February or even early March around here.

At least I have home to look forward to with warm and sunny temperatures in early March.

Here is what my January has consisted of:
My new internship at the St. Louis Mayor's Office in the Education sector (!).  Isn't City Hall absolutely stunning?
Welcoming this cutie to St. Louis! Thanks for visiting, Lisa. 

Finally making it to the top of the Gateway Arch in STL.  It was beautiful.
Feeling like a kid and loving it at City Museum

Feeling thankful for views like this
...and this
Visiting the Missouri State Capitol 

Final thoughts:
  • If you know anyone in Texas connected to an education advocacy and/or policy organization please shoot me an e-mail or drop me a comment.  I am interested in connecting! 
  • I think some of these 2014 goals have been going well, especially the having more fun portion :)
  • Also, the networking goal...already met my goal for networking in January, go me!
  • If you have any good song or album recommendations please comment.

1 comment:

  1. AH! I miss you! Thank you so much for having me over in St. Louis! It was a BLAST! ALSO! Thanks for getting me hooked on Girls, haha. MWAH! <3
